CET6英语六级作文范文精讲99篇:095 A Letter of Complaint (1)About the Thoughtless Train Conductor 有关粗心大意的列车员的抱怨信

发布时间:2015/11/17 13:52    浏览次数:2190    来源:本站

A Letter of Complaint (1)About the Thoughtless Train Conductor

Dear Mr . Wor thington ,

One rather annoying aspect of the othe rwise satisfactory commutert rain service from Lancaster to downtown Manchester is the playing of the radio over the loud speaker system .

This was particularly objectionable this morning on train 610 where riders were subjected to the incessant bla ring of ROCK for nearly the entire trip . Evidently whoever calls the stops is unaware that the background noise of his radio accompanies his announcements . Worse yet , he apparently forgets to press his off-switch , and a thousand passenge rsare forced to hear this clatter .

Noise pollution on city buses is usually confined to an individual carrying a loud radio . Old Smoky Railroad does it on a grand scale . I think it should stop .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yours truly .



本文是一封抱怨信, 信中投诉列车员的无礼行为。这类信函尤其在雅思考试的写作1 中常见。




thoughtless t rain conductor 粗心大意的列车员
the otherwise satisfactory commuter train service 本应该是令人满意的短途往返列车服务
Lancaster n . 兰开斯特(英城市)
Manchester n . 曼彻斯特(英城市)
loud speaker system 扬声器系统
objectionable a . 令人不愉快的, 讨厌的
be subjected to 遭遇到⋯⋯
inces sant blaring of Rock 连续不断的大声的摇滚乐
whoever calls the stop s is unaware that the background
noise of his radio accompanies his announcements 喊 叫到站的列车员没有意识到他的收音机的背景噪声伴随着他的叫站
press his off-switch 压关闭键

